AmaruArts is an intercultural team based in Ecuador that works with multimedia arts and applied ecology to promote human reintegration with nature, spiritual growth, and healing the biosphere. We collaborate with indigenous and local communities to advance their visions of ‘Good Living’ for the regeneration of their territories and cultures. Connecting children and youth with their own creative potential, ancestral wisdom, and sustainable livelihoods are key for the collective future of humanity.

Since 2020, AmaruArts is a Project affiliated with EarthWays Foundation, a U.S. registered public charity which provides non-profit status.
Our current (2023) project:
Research and developing the script for a new video about ancestral cultures and spirituality as the basis for restoring their territories and inspiring planetary regeneration.
Remembering Viracocha
To inspire cultural revitalization by gathering and sharing oral histories and traditions about Viracocha, the great creator deity of ancient Andean cultures.
Previous Projects
Andean Children’s Food Forest Workshops
Community events to recover traditional food and medicinal knowledge about native crops, forest plants, and agroecological farming systems that provide a strong foundation for family, community, and ecosystem health. In coordination with the Seed Savers Network and Forest Schools Network, and supported by the Community Leads Program of the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies.
Our previous experience includes:
Empowering Ecuador’s Extraordinary Ecosystems
Documentary video (2019) made with Conservation Bridge for Cornell University.
Community Participatory Video Workshops
Practical training (2010-2012) with youth and elders in indigenous (Kichwa) communities of Cotacachi and Ilaló to document ancestral musical instruments, agricultural knowledge, and spiritual practices. Participants learned how to create a story, basic camera use, interviewing, filming, editing, and projecting the film for the community to share and discuss their own issues and potential solutions.

Ecuador Youth Exchange Program
International learning experience (2007-2009) for Ecuadorian youth and adult leaders to visit peers at rural and Native American (Spokane, Nez Perce) communities and WSU Cooperative Extension projects, also including a trip to Washington D.C. Administered by Grupo Allpa in partnership with Washington State University (WSU) and sponsored by the U.S. Embassy.

Andes Service Learning Program
Annual service learning experience (2004-2013) of senior students of the Kathe Kollwitz Schule from Hannover-Germany. One week of practical hands-on work in support of community-based ecological initiatives as a key component of their Ecuador study tour. Managed by Grupo Allpa in collaboration with PARE e.V.

Arts Workshops in Rural Schools
Activities with school children in remote indigenous and rural communities (1998-2014).
For example, in Chitachaka: by exploring voice, sound and movement, story-telling, performance, and fun games, the children experienced the sense of being seen and heard without judgement while expressing themselves in a free, happy, and safe environment.

In Jatunpamba: paintings to help instill the importance of protecting the native forest, wildlife, and community watershed and of cultivating their school and family gardens.

Leader: Valentina Benavides
Advisors: Jefferson Mecham, Isabela Figueroa
Partners: Grupo Allpa, Saga Heyoka
Sponsor: T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies
AmaruArtsis a Project of EarthWays, a non-profit public charity exempt from federal income tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code.
Your donation is fully tax-deductible.
Please make checks payable to EarthWays Foundation with AmaruArts written in the memo line.