...a vision for the future that all living things can share.

News Archive: The New Creation Story

The New Creation Story

Our New Creation Story is a long journey from the Big Bang to the Present Moment. Our planet is withering. This story tells us why and shows us how to overcome humankind’s monumental challenges by making choices based on our species’ recently advanced...

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Founder’s Letter by Andrew Beath

Earthways’ purpose is to find a deeper understanding of our relationship to the natural world in order to bring additional light to the wisdom of our ancestors, the elders that have come before us. This awareness will help us address some of the problems that face the...

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Emerging Voices Project

World Festival of Sacred Music – Los Angeles Project Summary The Emerging Voices Project brings together 200 Los Angeles based young musicians and dancers (ages 12-20) from six diverse communities for face-to face direct interaction with each other. Program activities...

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